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Heat Pumps

Comfort, efficiency, low carbon and happy pets


These are some of the benefits of a heat pump installed by Your Energy Your Way. We have been installing heat pumps for over 5 years in old houses, new houses and everything in between. We understand that making the decision to switch from a gas boiler to a heat pump can be daunting, but we’re here to guide you every step of the way. You may even ask yourself why you didn’t make the leap earlier.


Our heat pumps will give you comfortable, constant warmth without a high environmental price tag. This means your home will stay warm while you're out - something 9 out of 10 cats prefer.

With heat pumps there is only one downside and that is the initial installation cost. It is a whole new heating system and therefore costs more than a gas boiler installation, but there is help from the government available in the form of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) grant, providing £7,500 towards the cost and installation of an air source heat pump.



Sleeping cat under blanket


Let’s look at the benefits you can expect



A heat pump delivers a more constant temperature compared to a gas boiler. A heat pump compares to the gentle warmth of a slow cooker, instead of the fiery extremes of a barbecue. You end up being much more comfortable with a heat pump since it delivers a constant temperature consistently (and we all know that consistency wins the day every time).



There is no doubt that a heat pump is way more efficient than a gas boiler. We specialise in very efficient systems and your heat pump will use one unit of electricity to deliver between four and five units of heat. That means running costs should be competitive with gas, and much lower than direct electric heating. In the long term, this will mean you will have lower bills, especially if we also install solar PV and a battery for you.


Low maintenance, long lifespan

A well installed heat pump system will require relatively little maintenance except for an annual service and can be expected to last for around 20-30 years.

You will be the proud owner of a new smart home energy system that provides you with zero carbon heating.




Samsung HT Quiet Monobloc heat pump






And finally...




Cosy and comfortably heated homes are approved by cats everywhere, it’s a paws up from them.



Sleeping cat wearing cream jumper
Sleeping cat with front legs stretched out

Some of our recent installs

Vaillant aroTHERM plus heat pump
Vaillant aroTHERM plus heat pump
Samsung 16kW G6 EHS Monobloc Heat Pump

Bespoke Renewable Energy Solutions

We design and install whole house renewable energy solutions in Hampshire, Berkshire, Surrey, West London and surrounding counties.

At Your Energy Your Way, we are dedicated to offering exceptional customer service for all our heat pump installations, ensuring homeowners experience a seamless transition from their fossil fuel heating.


If you are considering a heat pump, either as a stand-alone project or as part of a refurbishment, please fill out the short webform and we will be in touch.


You can also call us on

01784 530018


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