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Meet the ZEB - The Heat Battery Boiler

ZEB installed understairs in hallway with mirror.jpg
ZEB installed in utility.jpg

Benefits of the ZEB


Looking to reduce your environmental impact? The ZEB uses electricity to supply your heating, charging up and storing most of the heat your home requires at off-peak times. This can make it a more cost-effective and cleaner option compared to existing boilers.


tepeo Icon Low Carbon

Greener than gas or oil

Did you know that 31% of household carbon emissions comes from home heating? The ZEB cuts 100% of these direct emissions, meaning improved air quality and a cleaner tomorrow.

tepeo Icon Low Cost

Cheaper than electric boilers

Want to save the planet but without the cost? Choose the ZEB, a smart boiler that can store heat at the cheapest and greenest times, saving you up to £1.5k versus an electric boiler on a smart tariff.

tepeo Icon Easy to Install

Easy to install, use & maintain

Looking for an easy way to go green? The ZEB works the same as your current boiler and can be installed in 1-2 days with minimal fuss and the added bonus of App control.

Want to know if the ZEB is right for you?


The ZEB works best in a home that has the following:


  • Up to 12,000kWh of energy usage per year for heating & hot water (roughly 1,100L of oil). You can find an estimate on your energy bill

  • A ‘wet’ heating system i.e. you have radiators or underfloor heating, and a hot water tank (or can get one)

  • Space for the ZEB on an accessible, solid and level surface – typically on the ground floor.

  • Either a flat, bungalow, semi-detached or detached 2-4 bedroom house

  • A daily heat consumption of 60 kWh or less

  • A whole home heat loss of 5 kW or less



How the ZEB works

The ZEB is powered by electricity and works like a battery to store energy as heat until it is needed. Electric heating elements charge up a 'core' inside the ZEB - storing a lot of energy in a small footprint.

ZEB Specifications

​Looking for information on the size, performance and features of the ZEB?


See key specs below:

  • ​Dimensions ( W x D x H): 598 x 660 x 980mm (excludes necessary clearance)

  • Weight: 375kg

  • Thermal Storage capacity: 40kWh

  • Heat output:15kW

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